The users of the system should be able to edit previously submitted issues, in order to update their status, add commentary, clarify wording, etc. The users should be able to edit these previously-submitted issues either via external editor or internal editor. The tool is invoked with the command yaktrack edit [template-name] [template-id].
The user invokes the tool as described, with the YAKTRACKEDITOR set to the command line of their external editor. The system locates the desired issue and copies it (and the template) into a working directory for editing; once the editor is terminated, the newly-edited issue is filed with the FILE feature.
An existing repository above the given (current) directory |
A valid command at the location referenced by the YAKTRACKEDITOR environment variable |
An issue of the given type present in the repository |
A changed copy of the issue filed in the repository.
Very high; probably higher even than SUBMIT, since issues are submitted once and typically edited many times.
Table 4-17. Normal Course of Action -- using external editor
Actor Actions | System Actions |
User invokes the tool with yaktrack edit template-name defect-id | If the template and id are present, creates a new workspace |
Copies the template and the issue into the workspace | |
Invokes the external editor in the YAKTRACKEDITOR variable on the issue | |
Edits the issue using the external editor, saves, and quits the editor | Files the newly-edited issue with the FILE feature |
Cleans up the workspace area |
Table 4-18. Normal Course of Action -- no external editor
Actor Actions | System Actions |
User invokes the tool with yaktrack edit template-name defect-id | If the template and id are present, creates a new workspace |
Copies the template and the issue into the workspace | |
Presents the user with a series of forms and menus as per the SUBMIT feature | |
Edits the issue using the menus and prompts | Files the newly-edited issue with the FILE feature |
Cleans up the workspace area |
EDIT.FR1. The system should be able to identify the external editor, etc as per the SUBMIT feature
EDIT.FR2. The system should be able to create a workspace as per the SUBMIT feature, and copy the existing desired issue into the workspace
EDIT.FR3. The system should, if the user is editing without an external editor, present the user with the option to keep the existing values for any field or attribute in the issue simply by pressing return at the prompt
EDIT.FR4. The system should present the user with feedback on the outcome of the EDIT request