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def sated_dtd_consumer(template_path): returns a blank_issue_dtd_consumer after it has consumed the template in template_path
Parent module: create_blank_issue
Field selectors  
Parent module: query
def selectors_from_initializer(self, initializer): gets the attribute initialization string from the initialization string
Parent module: query
def send_simple_message(parameter_tuple, sender): sends a simple message from the user to the return address in the parameter tuple; just for testing
Parent module: yaktrack-email-gateway
def set_default_choice(self, default_choice): sets the default choice for the group, if the choice is in the group
Parent module: edit
def set_default_choice(self, new_default): sets the default choice for the widget
Parent module: edit
def set_default_index(self, default_index): sets the default index for the choice group
Parent module: edit
def set_entity_info(self, xmlver, enc, sddecl): handles entity information
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def set_has_been_invoked(self, value): sets whether the tool has been invoked
Parent module: composite_command
def set_is_interactive(self, value): sets whether or not the tool is invoked interactively, ie displaying input etc
Parent module: composite_command
def set_last_invocation_succeeded(self, value): sets whether or not the last invocation succeeded
Parent module: composite_command
def set_title(self, new_title): sets the title of the menu
Parent module: edit
def set_title(self, title): sets the title of the widget
Parent module: edit
def set_yaktrackid(self, value): sets the yaktrackid attribute of the root element
Parent module: issue
def setUp(self): sets up the test case
Parent module: composite_command_test
def setUp(self): sets up the test case
Parent module: create_repository_test
def setUp(self): sets up the test case
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def setUp(self): sets up a test repository and moves there, writing several files to test
Parent module: file_test
def setUp(self): sets up the test case
Parent module: issue_test
def setUp(self): does nothing
Parent module: query_test
def setUp(self): sets up the test case
Parent module: repository_test
def setUp(self): sets up the test case
Parent module: template_test
def setUp(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def short_description_text(self): description of the command
Parent module: argument_printer_command
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cat
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cm_cvs
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cm_cvs
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cm_cvs
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cm_cvs
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cm_none
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cm_none
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cm_none
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: cm_none
def short_description_text(self): a short (one-line) description of the tool
Parent module: composite_command
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: create_repository
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: edit
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: file
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: is_valid_template
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: query
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: register_template
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: submit
def short_description_text(self):  
Parent module: yaktrack
Field shouldStop  
Parent module: unittest
def split_query_path(self, path): splits a path into head and tail segments, analogous to os.path.split but honoring quotes and brackets
Parent module: query
def startTest(self, test):  
Parent module: unittest
def startTest(self, test):  
Parent module: unittest
def stop(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def stopTest(self, test):  
Parent module: unittest
def store_awaiting_review_text(self, text): stores a block of text in the awaiting-review directory
Parent module: repository
def store_issue(self, issue_object): stores an issue into the system; if the issue has an id that is already in the system it overwrites the previous issue. This assumes that the issue object is valid!
Parent module: repository
def __str__(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def __str__(self):  
Parent module: unittest
Field stream  
Parent module: unittest
Field stream  
Parent module: unittest
Field stream  
Parent module: unittest
def subcommand_by_index(self, index): retrieves a subcommand given the textual index it was added with
Parent module: composite_command
def subcommand_count(self): number of subcommands
Parent module: composite_command
Field subcommands  
Parent module: composite_command
Field submission_result  
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
Field submission_result  
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
Module submit implements the submit command for submitting new issues into yaktrack.
class submit_command(composite_command.composite_command): the composite command for submitting issues
Parent module: submit
class submit_form_mutator(html_substitutor.html_substitutor): changes the submit a new issue form to reflect the issue to be submitted
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def submit_issue_of_type(self, issue_type): Submits an issue of the required type. Checks to see that such a type is valid.
Parent module: submit

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Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:01PM Sunday 14 May 2000