def acceptNode(self, node):
whether or not to accept a node
Parent module: html_substitutor
def acceptNode(self, node):
whether or not we accept the given node
Parent module: query
def act_on_file(self, path):
operates on the given file; the add command adds the file, etc.
Parent module: cm_base
def act_on_file(self, path):
applies the command to a given file
Parent module: cm_cvs
def act_on_file(self, path):
acts on a given file
Parent module: cm_cvs
def act_on_file(self, path):
acts on a given file
Parent module: cm_cvs
def act_on_file(self, path):
Parent module: cm_none
def act_on_file(self, path):
Parent module: cm_none
def act_on_file(self, path):
Parent module: cm_none
def act_on_tree(self, path):
activates the CM tool to act_on_file for every file in every subdirectory of path
Parent module: cm_base
def activate(self):
displays a menu and requests a user choice
Parent module: edit
def activate(self):
displays the menu and requests user input
Parent module: edit
def add_choice(self, new_item):
adds a choice to the menu
Parent module: edit
def add_subcommand(self, index, new_subcommand):
adds a subcommand to the list of subcommands
Parent module: composite_command
def add_to_cm(self, path):
adds the given file to CM
Parent module: cm_cvs
def add_to_cm(self, path):
adds the given file to configuration management
Parent module: cm_none
def addError(self, test, err):
Parent module: unittest
def addError(self, test, error):
Parent module: unittest
def addFailure(self, test, err):
Parent module: unittest
def addFailure(self, test, error):
Parent module: unittest
def addTest(self, test):
Parent module: unittest
def addTests(self, tests):
Parent module: unittest
def append_attributes_to_element(self, element):
appends all required or default attributes to the node
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def append_attributes_to_element(self, element, a_template):
appends all required or default attributes from the corresponding attribute in the template to the element
Parent module: html_form_generator
def append_attributes_to_element(self, element, a_template):
appends all required or default attributes from the corresponding attribute in the template to the element
Parent module: issue
def append_children_to_element(self, document, element):
appends children to an element in the blank issue
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def append_children_to_element(self, document, element, a_template):
appends children from the template's version of the element into the given element
Parent module: html_form_generator
def append_children_to_element(self, document, element, a_template):
appends children from the template's version of the element into the given element
Parent module: issue
def append_content_to_element(self, document, node, a_template):
appends a textNode with content if this element is #PCDATA
Parent module: html_form_generator
def append_feedback(self, new_feedback):
appends the given feedback to the system's last feedback
Parent module: composite_command
def append_feedback(self, new_feedback):
appends feedback to the last invocation feedback
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def append_feedback(self, new_feedback):
appends feedback to an internal field
Parent module: dtd_validator
def append_feedback(self, text):
appends feedback to an internal feedback member
Parent module: dtd_validator
def append_feedback(self, new_feedback):
Parent module: file
def append_feedback(self, new_feedback):
Parent module: utils
def append_feedback(self, new_feedback):
Parent module: utils
def append_with_list(list, other_list):
appends one list with each content in the other list.
Parent module: yaktrack-email-gateway
class argument_printer_command(composite_command.composite_command ):
a basic derivative of the composite_command class, used for testing
Parent module: argument_printer_command
Module argument_printer_command
basically a testing stub. The argument printer command stores its arguments in an internal variable and prints them when executed. Not used by Yaktrack
def as_string(self):
returns the pretty-printed, normalized representation of this as a DOCUMENT
Parent module: issue
def as_string(self):
represents the object as a printable string; can be used for comparisons
Parent module: template
def assert_(self, expr, msg = None):
Parent module: unittest
def attribute_as_string(self, element_tuple):
returns the attribute as a string
Parent module: template
Parent module: template
Parent module: template
def attribute_form_node(self, issue_node, dtd_attribute):
creates a form node for the given attribute
dtd_attribute is the same format as in
Parent module: html_form_generator
def attribute_form_nodes(self, issue_node):
creates a list of attribute form nodes
Parent module: html_form_generator
Parent module: template
Parent module: template
Field attributes
Parent module: create_blank_issue
Field attributes
Parent module: template
Field __author__
Parent module: unittest
def available_issue_ids(self, template_name):
a list of strings containing available ids for the given template issues
Parent module: repository
def available_templates(self):
a list of strings containing available templates
Parent module: repository