Front A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y


Field id  
Parent module: utils
def __init__(self, template_name, issue_list):  
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
def __init__(self, template_name, issue_id):  
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
def __init__(self, template_name, submission_result, awaiting_review_result):  
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
def __init__(self, template_name, query_string):  
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
def __init__(self, template_text):  
Parent module: cgi_register_results
def __init__(self, template_name, submission_result, awaiting_review_result):  
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
def __init__(self, template_name):  
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def __init__(self, template_name):  
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def __init__(self, template_name):  
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: composite_command
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def __init__(self): resets self
Parent module: dtd_validator
def __init__(self): initializes the validator
Parent module: dtd_validator
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: edit
def __init__(self): initialization
Parent module: edit
def __init__(self, locator):  
Parent module: file
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: file
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: html_form_generator
def __init__(self, beginning_nesting_level = 2, block_yaktrackid = 1):  
Parent module: html_form_generator
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: html_form_generator
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: is_valid_template
def __init__(self, document):  
Parent module: issue
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: issue
def __init__(self, initialization_string): resets to default values
Parent module: query
def __init__(self, initialization_string): resets to default values
Parent module: query
def __init__(self, initialization_string = ""): resets to default values
Parent module: query
def __init__(self, initialization_string = ""):  
Parent module: query
def __init__(self, pattern): initializes the filter to the given pattern
Parent module: query
def __init__(self, path):  
Parent module: repository
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: template
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: template
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: template
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def __init__(self, methodName = 'runTest'):  
Parent module: unittest
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def __init__(self, stream):  
Parent module: unittest
def __init__(self, stream):  
Parent module: unittest
def __init__(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def __init__(self, new_was_success = 0, new_feedback = "", new_id = ""):  
Parent module: utils
def __init__(self, locator):  
Parent module: utils
def __init__(self): creates a working directory under the current directory and stores it as self.working_directory
Parent module: utils
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, arguments): invokes the command with the given arguments
Parent module: argument_printer_command
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, args):  
Parent module: cat
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, arguments): invokes the tool, treating each argument as a separate filename or path
Parent module: cm_base
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, arguments): invokes the tool immediately with the given arguments
Parent module: composite_command
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, args):  
Parent module: create_repository
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, args): invokes the tool, given a defect type; displays help text otherwise.
Parent module: edit
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, args):  
Parent module: file
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, args):  
Parent module: is_valid_template
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, args): append all arguments after the first together into a string separated by spaces and use that as the query pattern
Parent module: query
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, args): invokes the tool, given a defect type; displays help text otherwise.
Parent module: register_template
def invoke_immediately_with_arguments(self, args): invokes the tool, given a defect type; displays help text otherwise.
Parent module: submit
def invoke_with_arguments(self, arguments): invokes the command with the given arguments, attempting to use the first argument as a possible subcommand
Parent module: composite_command
Field is_attribute  
Parent module: query
def is_attribute_from_initializer(self, initializer): determines if the name is an initializer
Parent module: query
def is_editable_content_node(self, issue_node): whether or not a node has editable content
Parent module: html_form_generator
def is_editable_element(element): whether or not an element has editable content
Parent module: html_form_generator
def is_editable_text_node(dtd_consumer, node): whether or not the node is an editable text node; must be a text note with a parent of #PCDATA type
Parent module: edit
def is_file_under_cm(self, path): checks to see if a given file is under configuration management
Parent module: cm_base
def is_file_under_cm(self, path): whether or not the given file is under configuration management
Parent module: cm_base
def is_file_under_cm(self, path): checks to see if the given file is under CVS CM
Parent module: cm_cvs
def is_file_under_cm(self, path):  
Parent module: cm_none
def is_file_under_cm(self, path): checks to see if the given file is under CM; always returns true
Parent module: cm_none
def is_interactive(self): whether or not the command is being invoked interactively
Parent module: composite_command
def is_text_element_content(element_content): whether or not a given element content represents editable text
Parent module: template
def is_valid(self): whether or not the last dtd created represents a template valid with Yaktrack
Parent module: dtd_validator
def is_valid(self): is the workspace valid? (ie does it point to a directory)
Parent module: utils
def is_valid_attribute(attribute_tuple): whether or not an attribute is valid in yaktrack templates
Parent module: template
def is_valid_choice_index(self, index): whether on not the submitted index is a valid choice in this menu
Parent module: edit
def is_valid_dtd(self): checks to see if the last-parsed data creates a valid DTD
Parent module: dtd_validator
def is_valid_dtd(self, filename): checks to see if the filename represents a DTD valid for use with yaktrack
Parent module: file
def is_valid_dtd(filename): whether or not a DTD is valid for use with yaktrack
Parent module: is_valid_template
def is_valid_dtd_string(self, string): whether or not the string represents a valid DTD template
Parent module: template_test
def is_valid_element_content(elem_cont): whether or not a given set of element contents is valid in yaktrack templates
Parent module: template
def is_valid_for_yaktrack(self): whether or not the template is usable as a YakTrack DTD
Parent module: template
Module is_valid_template checks to see if a template is valid
class is_valid_template_command(composite_command.composite_command): Used to determine if a template is valid for use with yaktrack
Parent module: is_valid_template
class issue: as XML document, used as a yaktrack issue in abstract form
Parent module: issue
Module issue An issue, trackable by yaktrack. Basically an issue is simply a decorated DOM object, suitable for traversal, representation as a string, etc. The basic implementation of this does NO validation; that is left to the parser which creates it, if that's available. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can marshal 4DOM into validating the tree as its being loaded, so I may use xmlproc for validation (I use it to ensure that the DTDs are valid anyway) and 4DOM for the DOM representation.
Field issue_factory  
Parent module: issue_test
class issue_factory: Used to create issue objects; works somewhat more elegantly than simple construction
Parent module: issue
def issue_from_form(self, form):
a doozie

creates an issue from a form submission using CGI

Parent module: html_form_generator
class issue_from_html_form_generator:  
Parent module: html_form_generator
Field issue_id  
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
Field issue_list  
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
def issue_list_from_cgi(form): Returns a list of issues taken from the user's form
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
class issue_query_pattern: a full issue path or xml query
Parent module: query
class issue_query_pattern_node: a node in an issue path or XML query
Parent module: query
class issue_query_pattern_node_name: a name in an issue query pattern
Parent module: query
class issue_query_pattern_node_selector: a selector statement in an issue query pattern
Parent module: query
Module issue_test tests the issue module
class issue_test_case(unittest.TestCase): test case for issues
Parent module: issue_test
Module issue_to_html_transformer a class which transforms issues (xml DOM objects) into HTML DOM objects. Useful for display of issues (ie via the CGI cat gateway scripts)

Front A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y

Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:01PM Sunday 14 May 2000