Field m_has_been_invoked
Parent module: composite_command
Field m_is_interactive
Parent module: composite_command
Field m_is_valid
Parent module: dtd_validator
Field m_last_choice_text
Parent module: edit
Field m_last_invocation_succeeded
Parent module: composite_command
def make(self):
resets the tool
Parent module: cm_cvs
def make(self):
resets the tool
Parent module: cm_none
def make(self):
resets the object to known new values
Parent module: composite_command
def make_composite_command_suite():
creates a test suite
Parent module: composite_command_test
def make_create_repository_suite():
Parent module: create_repository_test
def make_dtd_validator_suite():
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def make_file_suite():
creates a test suite
Parent module: file_test
def make_issue_suite():
creates the issue test suite
Parent module: issue_test
def make_query_suite():
creates the query test suite
Parent module: query_test
def make_repository_test_suite():
creates the test suite for testing repositories
Parent module: repository_test
Module make_requirements_matrix
Makes a requirements traceability matrix in docbook XML format. Requires a yaktrack repository somewhere up the tree from the current directory. The repository must contain a template named fr with a name element immediately under the first element; the original implementation was as such:
def make_template_suite():
creates the template test case suite
Parent module: template_test
def matches_dom_node(self, dom_node):
whether or not this pattern matches the given DOM node
Parent module: query
def matches_dom_node(self, dom_node):
whethor or not this pattern matches this DOM node
Parent module: query
def matches_dom_node(self, dom_node):
checks to see if this matches the given dom node, starting at the tail and moving up the tree
Parent module: query
def matches_dom_node_name(self, dom_node):
checks to see if this pattern matches the given node name
Parent module: query
def matches_dom_node_selectors(self, dom_node):
whether or not this pattern's node selectors match the given node
Parent module: query
class matching_node_filter(NodeFilter ):
returns only nodes matching the given filter
Parent module: query
def matching_node_tuples(self, rep, template_name, pattern):
collects all nodes in the repository that match the pattern; returns a list of tuples in the form ( issue-name, [ matching-nodes ] )
Parent module: query
def matching_nodes(self, root_node, pattern):
a list of nodes matching the given pattern
Parent module: query
def modify_feedback(self, node):
Modifies the title to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_register_results
def modify_feedback_body(self, node):
creates the body of the feedback message
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
def modify_feedback_body(self, node):
creates the body of the feedback message
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
def modify_feedback_headline(self, node):
creates a headline for the feedback message
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
def modify_feedback_headline(self, node):
creates a headline for the feedback message
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
def modify_form(self, node):
modifies the form to include data for the sample issue
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
def modify_form(self, node):
modifies the form to include data for the sample issue
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_headline(self, node):
modifies the H1 headline to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_headline(self, node):
modifies the H1 headline to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_headline(self, node):
modifies the H1 headline to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_issue_list(self, node):
modifies the list of selectable issues
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_query_string(self, node):
Displays the query string
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
def modify_results(self, node):
modifies the H1 headline to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
def modify_results(self, node):
modifies the H1 headline to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
def modify_template_name(self, node):
Modifies the SELECT box 'template_name'
must be in the form for
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
def modify_template_name(self, node):
Modifies the SELECT box 'template_name'
must be in the form for
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_template_name(self, node):
Modifies the SELECT box 'template_name'
must be in the form for
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_template_name(self, node):
Modifies the hidden fillin 'template_name'
must be in the form for
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_template_name_text(self, node):
modifies the text of the template name
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_template_text(self, node):
adds a default template to the text area
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_title(self, node):
Modifies the title to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
def modify_title(self, node):
modifies the title to include the template name
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
def modify_title(self, node):
Modifies the title to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
def modify_title(self, node):
Modifies the title to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
def modify_title(self, node):
Modifies the title to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
def modify_title(self, node):
Modifies the title to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_title(self, node):
Modifies the title to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_title(self, node):
modifies the title to include the template name
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_title(self, node):
modifies the title to include the template name
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def modify_title(self, node):
Modifies the title to include the type of issue
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def mutated_html_text(self, filename):
returns the mutated text of a given file
Parent module: html_substitutor
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_register_results
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def mutator_dictionary(self):
Parent module: gateway_cgi
def mutator_dictionary(self):
a dictionary mapping yaksubid values to functions that mutate a node - overridden
Parent module: html_substitutor
def mutator_dictionary(self):
the mutator dictionary
Parent module: html_substitutor
class my_app(xml.parsers ):
simple app for testing xml parsing
Parent module: parse_xml_test
class my_consumer(xml.parsers ):
a dtd consumer which does very little but list its activity
Parent module: parse_dtd_test