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Field name  
Parent module: query
Field name  
Parent module: query
Field name  
Parent module: query
def name_from_initializer(self, initializer): gets the name string from the initializer
Parent module: query
def name_from_initializer(self, initializer): gets the name from the initialization string
Parent module: query
def name_from_initializer(self, initializer): gets the name from the initialization string
Parent module: query
def name_value_from_node(node): returns the value of the text in the name child element of the given node
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
def new_attribute(self, elem, attr, a_type, a_decl, a_def): called when a new attribute is encountered
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def new_attribute(self, elem, attr, a_type, a_decl, a_def): called when a new attribute is encountered
Parent module: dtd_validator
def new_attribute(self, elem, attr, a_type, a_decl, a_def): called when a new attribute is encountered
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_attribute(self, elem, attr, a_type, a_decl, a_def): handles new attributes which decorate elements
Parent module: template
def new_comment(self, contents): called when a new comment is read
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_element_type(self, elem_name, elem_cont): called when a new element type is encountered
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def new_element_type(self, elem_name, elem_cont): called when a new element type is encountered
Parent module: dtd_validator
def new_element_type(self, elem_name, elem_cont): called when a new element type is encountered
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_element_type(self, elem_name, elem_cont): handles new element types, the root of yaktrack
Parent module: template
def new_external_entity(self, ent_name, pub_id, sys_id, ndata): called when a new external entity is encountered
Parent module: dtd_validator
def new_external_entity(self, ent_name, pub_id, sys_id, ndata): called when a new external entity is encountered
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_external_entity(self, ent_name, pub_id, sys_id, ndata): handles external entities; yaktrack can't handle external entities!
Parent module: template
def new_external_pe(self, name, pubid, sysid): called when a new external parameter entity is encountered
Parent module: dtd_validator
def new_external_pe(self, name, pubid, sysid): called when a new external parameter entity is encountered
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_external_pe(self, name, pubid, sysid): handles external entities; yaktrack can't handle external entities!
Parent module: template
def new_general_entity(self, name, val): called when a new general entity is encountered
Parent module: dtd_validator
def new_general_entity(self, name, val): called when a new general entity is encountered
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_general_entity(self, name, val): handles general entities; yaktrack can't handle general entities!
Parent module: template
def new_issue_path(self): the pathname to the new issue
Parent module: submit
def new_notation(self, name, pubid, sysid): called when a new notation is encountered
Parent module: dtd_validator
def new_notation(self, name, pubid, sysid): called when a new notation is encountered
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_notation(self, name, pubid, sysid): handles external entities; yaktrack can't handle external entities!
Parent module: template
def new_parameter_entity(self, name, val): called when a new parameter entity is encountered
Parent module: dtd_validator
def new_parameter_entity(self, name, val): called when a new parameter entity is encountered
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_parameter_entity(self, name, val): handles external entities; yaktrack can't handle external entities!
Parent module: template
def new_pi(self, target, rem): called when a new processing instruction is encountered
Parent module: dtd_validator
def new_pi(self, target, rem): called when a new processing instruction is read
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def new_pi(self, target, rem): handles processing instructions; yaktrack can't handle processing instructions!
Parent module: template
def next_attribute_label(self): the next available attribute label
Parent module: html_form_generator
def next_awaiting_review_id(self, template_name): the next appropriate unique awaiting-review ID
Parent module: repository
def next_content_label(self): the next available content label
Parent module: html_form_generator
def next_issue_id(self, template_name): returns the next appropriate unique issue ID given the template name
Parent module: repository
def node_attribute_is_editable(temp, issue_node, attribute, block_yaktrackid = 1): whether or not a given node attribute is editable
Parent module: html_form_generator
def node_initializers_from_path(self, path): returns a list of node initializers from the given path string
Parent module: query
def node_list_from_result_tree_root_node(result_tree_node): returns a python list of issues, the immediate children of the result tree
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
def node_list_sorted_by_name(issue_list): returns the issue tree with immediate children sorted by their name child field
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
Field nodes  
Parent module: query
def nodes_with_name_greater_than_or_equal_to(node_list, name_value): returns a list of the node elements in the list with their name child elements >= name_value
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
def nodes_with_name_less_than(node_list, name_value): returns a list of the nodes with their name child elements less than name_value
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
Field notations  
Parent module: template

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Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:01PM Sunday 14 May 2000