Field default
Parent module: edit
Field default_index
Parent module: edit
def default_repository_path(self):
The path containing the default repository. This is the directory of the script postfixed with default-repository
Parent module: create_repository
def defaultTestResult(self):
Parent module: unittest
def destroy_directory_tree(path):
destroys every file under path; similar to rm -rf; use with extreme caution!
Parent module: utils
def destroy_directory_tree_stub(arg, dirname, names):
deletes every name in names; removes directories or deletes files as appropriate
Parent module: utils
def destroy_dom_tree(self, dom_tree):
destroys the dom tree properly
Parent module: html_substitutor
def destroy_ready_parser(self, parser):
destroys a parser; necessary because xmlproc creates circular structures
Parent module: template
def display(self):
displays the menu
Parent module: edit
def display(self):
displays the widget itself and requests input
Parent module: edit
def display_help_text(self):
displays the help text to the screen
Parent module: composite_command
def display_prompt(self):
displays a prompt indicating the default if available
Parent module: edit
def display_prompt(self):
displays the prompt for the widget
Parent module: edit
Field doc
Parent module: html_form_generator
Field doc
Parent module: query_form_generator
def doc_end(self):
called when the document is ended
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def doc_start(self):
called when a new document is started
Parent module: file
def doc_start(self):
called when the document is begun
Parent module: parse_xml_test
Field document
Parent module: issue
def document_from_current_dtd(self):
creates a document from the current DTD
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def dom_node_contains_text(self, text, dom_node):
does the node's TEXT children contain the desired text?
Parent module: query
def dom_tree_text(self, dom_tree):
returns the text of the tree as a big ol' string
Parent module: html_substitutor
def dtd_end(self):
called at end of dtd
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def dtd_end(self):
ends the dtd-- checks for parity (if we had success on the result, the template should be valid)
Parent module: template
def dtd_start(self):
called at start of dtd
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def dtd_start(self):
called when the start of the DTD is encountered
Parent module: template
class dtd_validator:
Parent module: dtd_validator
Module dtd_validator
methods for validating DTDs for correct behaviour with Yaktrack
class dtd_validator_consumer(xml.parsers ):
consumer class for DTD information
Parent module: dtd_validator
Module dtd_validator_test
tests the dtd validator module
class dtd_validator_test_case(unittest.TestCase ):
test case for the validator
Parent module: dtd_validator_test