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Module yakcgi some minor helper functions, etc. for parsing cgi scripts
class yaksubid_filter(NodeFilter): A filter which only accepts nodes which contain a yaksubid element
Parent module: html_substitutor
Module yaktrack this is the main class and program for the yaktrack application. It itself is a simple composite command class which has other commands hung onto it to flesh out the application's functionality. There is much dead code in here which has been outmoded by the repository class; in time, this will be removed from this file.
Module yaktrack-email-gateway Acts as the email gateway for yaktrack. This should be set up such that the repository in question is created in the user's home directory (it's recommended that you create a special account for yaktrack...) In general, the pattern is this:
def yaktrack_editor_contents(): Retrieves the contents of the YAKTRACKEDITOR environment variable
Parent module: edit
class yaktrack_id_resolver(xml.parsers): a simple resolver matching dtd IDs to files on disk
Parent module: parse_xml_test
class yaktrack_main_command(composite_command.composite_command): main command for the yaktrack application
Parent module: yaktrack
class yaktrack_xmlproc_error_handler(xml.parsers): A parsing error handler which caches error messages for later retrieval
Parent module: utils
def yaktrackid(self): returns the yaktrackid attribute of the root element if one exists, or None otherwise
Parent module: issue

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Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:01PM Sunday 14 May 2000