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Module edit Edit is a module used by yaktrack to edit problem reports; it handles both an external editor via the YAKTRACKEDITOR variable and an internal, menu-based (and line-based) editor.
class edit_command(composite_command.composite_command):  
Parent module: edit
class edit_form_mutator(html_substitutor.html_substitutor): the html_substitutor which modifies the edit form to include correct form elements
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
def edit_issue(self, template, id): edits the issue id using the DTD template template
Parent module: edit
class edit_menu_mutator(cat_menu_mutator): chooses an issue to edit-- basically the same as the cat menu
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def edit_node_attributes(dtd_consumer, node): edits the attributes on the node given the attributes listed in the dtd_consumer
Parent module: edit
def edit_text_node(dtd_consumer, node): edits the contents of the node IF it is a text node
Parent module: edit
def edit_xml_file(file_path, template_path): Edits a file using either the external editor or the internal menu-based editor
Parent module: edit
def edit_xml_file_using_external_editor(file_path, template_path): edits the file using the editor in the YAKTRACKEDITOR environment variable; exit code of 1 means success, 0 failure
Parent module: edit
def edit_xml_file_using_internal_editor(file_path, template_path): creates a menu-based editor which steps the user through the process of editing an xml file
Parent module: edit
def edited_issue_filename(self): the filename used for the edited issue
Parent module: edit
def element_as_string(self, element_name): returns the element as an ELEMENT DTD string
Parent module: template
def element_attributes_as_string(self, element_name): returns the list of element attributes as an ATTLIST dtd string
Parent module: template
def element_content_as_string(self, element_content): returns the content of element as a string; element content is one of (name,mod) or (sep, cont, mod)
Parent module: template
Parent module: template
Parent module: template
Parent module: template
Parent module: template
Parent module: template
Field elements  
Parent module: create_blank_issue
Field elements  
Parent module: template
Field error_reported  
Parent module: file
Field error_reported  
Parent module: utils
Field errors  
Parent module: unittest
def __exc_info(self): Return a version of sys.exc_info() with the traceback frame minimised; usually the top level of the traceback frame is not needed.
Parent module: unittest
Field external_entities  
Parent module: template
Field external_parameter_entities  
Parent module: template

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Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:00PM Sunday 14 May 2000