Field label_iterator
Parent module: html_form_generator
Field label_iterator
Parent module: html_form_generator
Field last_arguments
Parent module: argument_printer_command
Field last_attribute_number
Parent module: html_form_generator
Field last_choice
Parent module: edit
def last_choice_text(self):
returns the text of the last choice
Parent module: edit
def last_choice_text(self):
the text of the last choice
Parent module: edit
Field last_content_number
Parent module: html_form_generator
Field last_create_blank_issue_result
Parent module: repository
Field last_created_template
Parent module: template
Field last_created_template_result
Parent module: template
Field last_creation_from_file_name_result
Parent module: issue
Field last_creation_from_file_name_result
Parent module: template
Field last_creation_from_file_object_result
Parent module: issue
Field last_creation_from_file_object_result
Parent module: template
Field last_creation_from_string_result
Parent module: issue
Field last_creation_from_string_result
Parent module: template
Field last_creation_from_template_result
Parent module: issue
Field last_dtd_feedback
Parent module: is_valid_template
def last_invocation_succeeded(self):
whether or not the last invocation of the tool was successful
Parent module: composite_command
Field last_issue_id
Parent module: file
Field last_issue_template
Parent module: file
def last_node(self):
the last node in the chain
Parent module: query
Field last_put_to_file_name_result
Parent module: issue
Field last_put_to_file_name_result
Parent module: template
Field last_put_to_file_object_result
Parent module: issue
Field last_put_to_file_object_result
Parent module: template
Field last_put_to_file_result
Parent module: issue
Field last_register_template_result
Parent module: repository
Field last_retrieve_awaiting_review_text_result
Parent module: repository
Field last_retrieve_issue_result
Parent module: repository
Field last_retrieve_template_result
Parent module: repository
Field last_store_awaiting_review_text_result
Parent module: repository
Field last_store_issue_result
Parent module: repository
def lines_of_tag_listings(tag, node_name, args):
returns the filename:linenumber part of the grep for a given tag and node name
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
class local_workspace:
a class which creates and destroys a temporary directory, used for empty workspaces
Parent module: utils
Field locator
Parent module: file
Field locator
Parent module: utils
def long_description_text(self):
long description of the command
Parent module: argument_printer_command
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cat
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cm_cvs
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cm_cvs
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cm_cvs
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cm_cvs
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cm_none
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cm_none
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cm_none
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: cm_none
def long_description_text(self):
a longer description of the tool
Parent module: composite_command
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: create_repository
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: edit
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: file
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: is_valid_template
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: query
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: register_template
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: submit
def long_description_text(self):
Parent module: yaktrack