Field parameter_entities
Parent module: template
def parameters_from_file(file):
gets the subject, message body, and return address of a message from the given file
Parent module: yaktrack-email-gateway
def parent_repository_path(path):
finds the path of the nearest parent repository
Parent module: repository
def parent_repository_path():
finds the path of the nearest parent repository
Parent module: yaktrack
Module parse_dtd_test
A test just to see if we can parse XML DTDs. Not actively used in Yaktrack
def parse_file(self, filename):
parses a file by the given filename
Parent module: dtd_validator
Module parse_xml_test
A simple test to see if we can parse XML documents; not actively used in yaktrack
Field parser
Parent module: dtd_validator
def path_of(self, filename):
returns the working directory joined with the given filename
Parent module: utils
def path_of_issue(self, template_name, issue_id):
the path to a given issue
Parent module: repository
def path_of_template(self, template_name):
the path to a given template
Parent module: repository
def pathlist(self, path):
splits a supplied pattern path into its component elements
Parent module: query
Field pattern
Parent module: query
def place_tree_under_parent_directory_version_control(self, new_repository_path):
Places the directory tree in new_repository_path under the same configuration management as its immediate parent
Parent module: create_repository
def pop_nesting_level(self):
decrements the current nesting level
Parent module: html_form_generator
def possible_subcommands_text(self):
a text string returning help on possible subcommands, with their short descriptions
Parent module: composite_command
def prepare_workspace(self, template_name):
prepares the workspace for action by the submit command
Parent module: submit
def presence_is_detected_in_path(self, path):
checks to see if the CM tool is present and active in the given path
Parent module: cm_base
def presence_is_detected_in_path(self, path):
checks for the presence of the given CM tool in the directory
Parent module: cm_cvs
def presence_is_detected_in_path(self, path):
checks for the presence of the given CM tool in the directory
Parent module: cm_none
def printErrors(self):
Parent module: unittest
def printFailures(self):
Parent module: unittest
def printHeader(self):
Parent module: unittest
def printNumberedErrors(self, errFlavour, errors):
Parent module: unittest
def printResult(self):
Parent module: unittest
Field processing_instructions
Parent module: template
def prompt_for_user_input(self):
displays a prompt, gets an input line from the user, and invokes the tool using the input line as arguments
Parent module: composite_command
def push_nesting_level(self):
increments the current nesting level
Parent module: html_form_generator
def put_to_file_name(self, file_name):
stores the string representation of the issue to a file named file_name
Parent module: issue
def put_to_file_name(self, file_name):
stores the template in the requested filename
Parent module: template
def put_to_file_object(self, file_object):
stores the string representation of the issue to a file object (file, StringIO, etc)
Parent module: issue
def put_to_file_object(self, file_object):
stores the template to a file object (file, StringIO, etc)
Parent module: template