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def read_file_into_buffer(self, filename): reads a file into the self.last_issue_raw member
Parent module: file
def recursive_directory_contents(self, path): returns a recursive directory listing of the given path
Parent module: create_repository
class register_results_mutator(html_substitutor.html_substitutor): displays the results of a register template request
Parent module: cgi_register_results
def register_template(self, template_object): stores a template into the repository. The template must be valid, and cannot have the same name as an existing template
Parent module: repository
Module register_template implements the register-template command for submitting new issues into yaktrack.
class register_template_command(composite_command.composite_command): allows the user to register new templates into yaktrack
Parent module: register_template
def register_template_file(self, template_name): registers a template with the given filename
Parent module: register_template
class register_template_form_mutator(html_substitutor.html_substitutor): does very little right now, as the template in question is satisfactory
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def register_template_text(self, template_text): registers the template with the given text
Parent module: register_template
def register_template_text_result(self, template_name, text): gets the result of registering a template
Parent module: repository_test
def remove_subcommand(self, index): removes a subcommand from the list
Parent module: composite_command
Field rep  
Parent module: repository_test
class repository: a back-end for the yaktrack application; a storage for issues and templates
Parent module: repository
Module repository a yaktrack repository. This is intended to be the back-end of a yaktrack system, and is initially implemented as a directory tree containing xml files. The basic directory structure is below:
def repository_exists_in_current_directory(self): checks to see if a repository exists in the current directory
Parent module: create_repository
def repository_has_issue(template, issue_id): whether or not the repository has an issue
Parent module: yaktrack
def repository_has_issue_directory(template): whether or not the repository has a directory for the given issue type
Parent module: yaktrack
def repository_has_template(template): whether or not the repository has a template
Parent module: yaktrack
def repository_issue_directory(template): the directory for storing issues of the given type
Parent module: yaktrack
def repository_issue_path(template, issue_id): path of an issue in the repository
Parent module: yaktrack
Field repository_path  
Parent module: repository
def repository_template_path(template): path of a template in the repository
Parent module: yaktrack
Module repository_test Tests the repository module
def __repr__(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def reset(self):  
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def reset(self): sets internal fields to default values
Parent module: dtd_validator
def reset(self): resets the parser validator to accept new input
Parent module: dtd_validator
def reset(self): resets the menu to no items
Parent module: edit
def reset(self): resets to default values
Parent module: edit
def reset(self): resets the error handler status
Parent module: file
def reset(self):  
Parent module: html_form_generator
def reset(self, form):  
Parent module: html_form_generator
def reset(self): resets to default values
Parent module: query
def reset(self): resets to default values
Parent module: query
def reset(self): returns the object to its new state
Parent module: template
def reset(self): resets the error handler status
Parent module: utils
def resolve_doctype_pubid(self, pubid, sysid): locates the current repository and finds the template in the templates subdirectory
Parent module: file
def resolve_doctype_pubid(self, pubid, sysid): resolves a document type public ID
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def resolve_entity_pubid(self, pubid, sysid): resolves an entity public ID
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def resolve_pe_pubid(self, pubid, sysid): resolves a parameter entity public ID
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def retrieve_awaiting_review_text(self, id): retrieves a block of text from the awaiting-review directory
Parent module: repository
def retrieve_issue(self, template_name, issue_id): retrieves a stored issue from the repository
Parent module: repository
def retrieve_template(self, template_name): retrieves the template of the desired name from the repository
Parent module: repository
Field root_element_has_yaktrackid  
Parent module: dtd_validator
def root_element_has_yaktrackid_attribute(self): whether or not the root element of the template contains a proper yaktrackid attribute
Parent module: template
Field root_element_name  
Parent module: dtd_validator
Field root_element_name  
Parent module: template
def run(self, result = None):  
Parent module: unittest
def run(self, result):  
Parent module: unittest
def run(self, test): Run the given test case or test suite.
Parent module: unittest

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Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:01PM Sunday 14 May 2000