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def walk_cm_tool_stub(tool, dirname, names):
used by cm_command_base.act_on_tree

applies the CM tool to each file in names

Parent module: cm_base
def walk_dom_tree(self, dom_tree): iterates across the nodes of the dom tree
Parent module: html_substitutor
Field was_success  
Parent module: utils
def wasSuccessful(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def we_have_write_access_to_current_directory(self): checks for write access to the current directory
Parent module: create_repository
Field working_directory  
Parent module: utils
Field workspace  
Parent module: edit
Field workspace  
Parent module: submit
def workspace_is_valid(self): whether or not the workspace is valid for use
Parent module: submit
def write_test_file(self, filename, text): writes a test file to disk
Parent module: file_test
def writeln(self, *args):  
Parent module: unittest
class _WritelnDecorator: Used to decorate file-like objects with a handy writeln method
Parent module: unittest

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Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:01PM Sunday 14 May 2000