def table_entry_string(text):
returns a table element string for DocBook
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
def tag_list(tag, node_name, args):
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
def tail(self):
the rest of the nodes in the pattern, expressed as another pattern
Parent module: query
def tearDown(self):
hops back to top-level directory and removes the temp directory
Parent module: create_repository_test
def tearDown(self):
hops back to top-level directory and removes the temp directory
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def tearDown(self):
remove our temp repository
Parent module: file_test
def tearDown(self):
hops back to top-level directory and removes the temp directory
Parent module: issue_test
def tearDown(self):
does nothing
Parent module: query_test
def tearDown(self):
hops back to top-level directory and removes the temp directory
Parent module: repository_test
def tearDown(self):
cleans up after testing
Parent module: template_test
def tearDown(self):
Parent module: unittest
Field tempdir_filename
Parent module: create_repository_test
Field tempdir_filename
Parent module: file_test
Field tempdir_filename
Parent module: repository_test
Field template
Parent module: html_form_generator
Field template
Parent module: query_form_generator
def template(self):
returns the desired template
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
class template:
a document type definition, used by yaktrack for describing the structure of issues
Parent module: template
Module template
A template class representing a DTD and its included members. Used here to centralize the code dealing with raw DTDs and make it more manageable and understandable.
Field template_factory
Parent module: issue_test
Field template_factory
Parent module: template_test
class template_factory:
A builder for templates; useful in construction because it can handle multiple types of creation
Parent module: template
class template_factory_dtd_consumer(xml.parsers ):
a DTD consumer that generates a template object
Parent module: template
Field template_name
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
Field template_name
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
Field template_name
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
Field template_name
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
Field template_name
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
Field template_name
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
Field template_name
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
Field template_name
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def template_name_is_valid(self, template_name):
whether or not a template name is valid (only alphanumeric characters) for the repository
Parent module: repository
Module template_test
tests the functionality of the template module
class template_test_case(unittest.TestCase ):
Test case for testing the template module
Parent module: template_test
Field template_text
Parent module: cgi_register_results
class test_mutator(html_substitutor ):
a test mutator to see if the idea works
Parent module: html_substitutor
class TestCase:
A class whose instances are single test case.
Parent module: unittest
class TestResult:
Holder for test result information.
Parent module: unittest
Field _tests
Parent module: unittest
Field testsRun
Parent module: unittest
class TestSuite:
A test suite is a composite test consisting of a number of TestCases.
Parent module: unittest
class text_choice_menu:
A text-based choice menu offering a selection of choices, chosen by number
Parent module: edit
class text_fillin:
a fillin widget for use in text menus
Parent module: edit
def text_of_grep_for_tag(tag, node_name, args):
returns the text of the grep -n <implements [node-name]> [arg1...] command
Parent module: make_requirements_matrix
class TextTestResult(TestResult ):
A test result class that can print formatted text results to a stream.
Parent module: unittest
class TextTestRunner:
A test runner class that displays results in textual form.
Parent module: unittest
Field this_application
Parent module: parse_xml_test
Field this_consumer
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
Field this_parser
Parent module: create_blank_issue
Field this_parser
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
Field this_parser
Parent module: parse_xml_test
Field this_resolver
Parent module: parse_xml_test
Field title
Parent module: edit
Field title
Parent module: edit