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def handle_comment(self, contents): handles a comment
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def handle_comment(self, contents): handles an XML comment
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def handle_data(self, data, start, end): handles text data
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def handle_doctype(self, root, pubid, sysid): handles the doctype declaration of a new issue
Parent module: file
def handle_doctype(self, root, pubid, sysid): handles a doctype declaration
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def handle_end_tag(self, name): handles the end tag of an element
Parent module: file
def handle_end_tag(self, name): handles the end of an element
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def handle_ignorable_data(self, data, start, end): handles ignorable data
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def handle_pi(self, target, data): handles a processing instruction
Parent module: parse_dtd_test
def handle_pi(self, target, data): handles processing instructions
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def handle_start_tag(self, name, attrs): finds the yaktrackid attribute if present, used for filing reports
Parent module: file
def handle_start_tag(self, name, attrs): handles the start of an element
Parent module: parse_xml_test
def has_been_invoked(self): whether or not the tool has been invoked since creation
Parent module: composite_command
def has_issue(self, template_name, issue_id): whether or not the repository has the given issue
Parent module: repository
def has_template(self, template_name): whether or not the repository has the given template
Parent module: repository
def head(self): the first node in the pattern
Parent module: query
def header_node(self, issue_node): creates a header node to display before the actual form nodes of a given issue node
Parent module: html_form_generator
Field help_text  
Parent module: yaktrack-email-gateway
class html_form_generator: a class which takes an issue and creates an HTML form representing that issue
Parent module: html_form_generator
Module html_form_generator This class generates a set of HTML nodes for a given issue (XML) node. It is intended for use with the yaktrack cgi_query and cgi_submit modules, so that they can create HTML forms from blank issues suitable for web fill-ins.
class html_form_label_iterator: a class which iterates through form labels; used to create and interpret forms
Parent module: html_form_generator
def html_headline_for_element(doc, node, nesting_level): returns an HTML headline for the given element
Parent module: issue_to_html_transformer
def html_nodes_for_tree(doc, node, nesting_level = 3): creates the HTML nodes for a given tree
Parent module: issue_to_html_transformer
def html_nodes_from_issue_node(self, doc, template, issue_node): creates a list of HTML nodes from a given issue node.
Parent module: html_form_generator
def html_nodes_from_top_level_issue_node(self, doc, template, issue_node):  
Parent module: html_form_generator
def html_nodes_from_top_level_issue_node(self, doc, template, issue_node): creates nodes for a query form
Parent module: query_form_generator
class html_substitutor: a class which modifies HTML templates to include new information
Parent module: html_substitutor
Module html_substitutor A simple toy which loops through an html template argument looking for nodes with the attribute yaksubid and replaces them with desired replacement nodes, removing the attribute. The idea is that this allows you to create nice, doctored templates and then customize them through cgi-scripts.
def html_table_for_attributes(doc, node, nesting_level): returns a two-column table with attributes and values
Parent module: issue_to_html_transformer

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Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:01PM Sunday 14 May 2000