Front A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y


def __call__(self, result = None):  
Parent module: unittest
def __call__(self, result):  
Parent module: unittest
Module cat copies an appropriate submitted issue(s) to standard output
class cat_command(composite_command.composite_command): command object for copying issues to standard output
Parent module: cat
class cat_menu_mutator(html_substitutor.html_substitutor): changes the cat menu to display possible issue choices
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
class cat_output_mutator(html_substitutor.html_substitutor):  
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
Module cgi_cat_output Displays the results of the cat request in cgi form
Field cgi_debug_header  
Parent module: yakcgi
Module cgi_edit_form classes for creating a CGI-compatible form for editing issues
Module cgi_edit_results Displays the results of the cat request in cgi form
Module cgi_free_query_output
Displays the result of a free query in html form

uses a similar output to the cgi_cat_output module

def cgi_output():  
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
def cgi_output():  
Parent module: cgi_switchboard
def cgi_output():  
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
def cgi_output():  
Parent module: gateway_cgi
def cgi_output():  
Parent module: cgi_query_results
def cgi_output():  
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
def cgi_output():  
Parent module: cgi_register_results
def cgi_output():  
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
def cgi_output():  
Parent module: cgi_edit_form
Field cgi_output_header  
Parent module: yakcgi
Module cgi_query_results returns the results of a form query. Basically, transforms the form query into a string, then passes it to the freequery module.
Module cgi_register_results Displays the results of the cat request in cgi form
class cgi_submission_output_mutator(html_substitutor.html_substitutor): shows the result of a submission
Parent module: cgi_submission_results
class cgi_submission_output_mutator(html_substitutor.html_substitutor):  
Parent module: cgi_edit_results
Module cgi_submission_results Displays the results of the submit request in cgi form
Module cgi_switchboard A simple cgi script which decides which CGI script to show output from based on the template and action selected in the gateway
def cgi_value(form, key, default = ""): gets the requested value from the form, returning none if the key does not exist
Parent module: yakcgi
def change_form(self, node): changes the form pointer so that it points to the correct cgi
Parent module: gateway_cgi
def change_node(self, node): changes a given node
Parent module: html_substitutor
def change_template_list(self, node): changes the template list to include additional choices
Parent module: gateway_cgi
def check_add_subcommand(self): checks the ability to add a subcommand
Parent module: composite_command_test
def check_any(self): checks that elements with content ANY are marked invalid
Parent module: template_test
def check_argument_printer_command(self): checks the invocation of the argument printer command
Parent module: composite_command_test
def check_basic_repository_creation(self): checks to ensure that the basic repository is created correctly
Parent module: create_repository_test
def check_creation_and_serialization(self): checks creation and serialization of issues
Parent module: issue_test
def check_creation_from_template(self): checks creation of an issue from a template
Parent module: issue_test
def check_filed_bad(self): checks to ensure that bad defects are filed as awaiting review
Parent module: file_test
def check_filed_good_with_new_id(self): checks to ensure that issues with a newly-issued id are filed correctly.
Parent module: file_test
def check_filed_good_with_old_id(self): checks to ensure that issues with an existing id are filed in that id
Parent module: file_test
def check_id_generated_no_previous_id(self): checks to ensure that an ID is generated when no ID is detected in the loaded issue
Parent module: file_test
def check_id_generated_previous_id(self): checks to ensure that an Id is found if there was a previous ID in the issue
Parent module: file_test
def check_invalid_attribute_type(self):  
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def check_invalid_attribute_type(self): checks that invalid attributes are marked as invalid
Parent module: template_test
def check_invalid_attributes(self): checks that invalid attributes mark the template as invalid
Parent module: template_test
def check_invalid_attributes(self): checks to make sure that invalid attributes are marked as invalid
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def check_invalid_child_element_modifier(self): checks that invalid child element modifiers are marked as same
Parent module: template_test
def check_invalid_choice_groups(self): checks that invalid choice groups mark the template as invalid
Parent module: template_test
def check_invalid_choice_groups(self): checks to make sure that choice groups are marked as invalid
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def check_invalid_element_modifier(self): checks that invalid element modifiers are marked as same
Parent module: template_test
def check_invalid_element_modifier(self): checks to ensure that invalid element modifiers are marked as invalid
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def check_invocation(self): checks invocation of a composite command to make sure that the delegation to subcommands works
Parent module: composite_command_test
def check_is_attribute_from_node_name_initializer(self): checks to ensure that we can identify if a node name represents an attribute
Parent module: query_test
def check_issue_query_pattern_node_name_from_initializer(self): checks to ensure we can extract a node name from an initializer
Parent module: query_test
def check_issue_query_pattern_node_selectors_from_initializer(self): checks to ensure we can extract selection clauses from an initializer
Parent module: query_test
def check_loads_valid_file(self): checks to see if it can load a valid file
Parent module: file_test
def check_make(self): checks initialization
Parent module: composite_command_test
def check_missing_children(self): check that missing children mark the template as invalid
Parent module: template_test
def check_missing_yaktrackid(self): checks that a missing yaktrackid attribute is flagged as invalid
Parent module: template_test
def check_missing_yaktrackid(self): checks to make sure that templates without a yaktrackid element are marked as invalid
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def check_node_name_from_node_name_initializer(self): checks to ensure that a name can be extracted from a node name initializer
Parent module: query_test
def check_none(self): checks that EMPTY elements are marked as invalid
Parent module: template_test
def check_pattern_creation(self): checks to ensure that patterns are created correctly
Parent module: query_test
def check_put_to_file(self): checks that a template put to file can be reloaded correctly
Parent module: template_test
def check_query(self): checks to ensure that a query works correctly
Parent module: query_test
def check_register_template_bad_text(self): Ensures that poorly-formed templates cannot be registered
Parent module: repository_test
def check_register_template_duplicate_name(self): ensures that templates can't be registered with duplicate names
Parent module: repository_test
def check_register_template_good(self): ensures that good templates can be registered
Parent module: repository_test
def check_repository_found(self): checks to see if a repository is found
Parent module: create_repository_test
def check_selector_name_from_initializer(self): checks to see that we can detect a selector name from an initializer
Parent module: query_test
def check_selector_value_from_initializer(self): checks to ensure we can extract a selector value from an initializer
Parent module: query_test
def check_set_features(self): checks set features
Parent module: composite_command_test
def check_split_query_path(self): checks to ensure we can split a complex query path into nodes
Parent module: query_test
def check_template_identification_bad(self): checks to ensure that a bad template identification is handled correctly
Parent module: file_test
def check_template_identification_good(self): checks to ensure that the template can be correctly identified
Parent module: file_test
def check_template_name_is_valid(self): checks to ensure that a template name can be identified as valid or not
Parent module: repository_test
def check_valid_dtd_data(self): checks that valid DTD data is not flagged as invalid
Parent module: template_test
def check_valid_dtd_data(self): checks to make sure that valid DTD data is marked as valid
Parent module: dtd_validator_test
def check_valid_issue_bad(self): checks to see that an invalid issue is not filed as an issue
Parent module: file_test
def check_valid_issue_good(self): checks to ensure that a valid issue is filed correctly
Parent module: file_test
def check_valid_issue_invalid(self): checks to see that an invalid defect is marked as invalid
Parent module: file_test
def check_yaktrackid_found(self): checks to make sure that an existing yaktrackid is identified
Parent module: file_test
def check_yaktrackid_not_found(self): checks to ensure that a missing yaktrackid is noted
Parent module: file_test
def child_nodes(self, doc, template, issue_node): creates a list of form nodes, one for each child of issue_node
Parent module: html_form_generator
def child_nodes_in_a_table_row(self, doc, template, issue_node):
returns the child_nodes in a new table row

automatically indents!

Parent module: html_form_generator
Field choices  
Parent module: edit
def clean_up(self): cleans up the temporary files created and edited under the workspace
Parent module: utils
def clean_up(self): cleans up the workspace
Parent module: submit
def clear_feedback(self): clears the current feedback string
Parent module: composite_command
def close(self): closes the parser and forces it to parse remaining buffered data
Parent module: dtd_validator
Module cm_base Base command for configuration management tools. Derived tools will overload the presence_is_detected_in_path, add_to_cm, is_file_under_cm, commit_to_cm, and update_from_cm features, as well as updating the short_description_text and long_description_text features.
Module cm_command identifies the configuration management in use in a given directory and creates a configuration management command for use in that directory.
class cm_command_base(composite_command.composite_command): A base class for configuration management tools under yaktrack
Parent module: cm_base
Module cm_cvs a configuration management tool for CVS
class cm_cvs_addcommand(cm_cvs_command_base): adds a file to CVS-controlled configuration management
Parent module: cm_cvs
class cm_cvs_command(cm_cvs_command_base): A CVS CM command for yaktrack
Parent module: cm_cvs
class cm_cvs_command_base(cm_base.cm_command_base): a configuration management command object for yaktrack and CVS
Parent module: cm_cvs
class cm_cvs_commitcommand(cm_cvs_command_base): commits a file (or changes to a file) to CVS
Parent module: cm_cvs
class cm_cvs_updatecommand(cm_cvs_command_base): a command for updating a given file from the remote CM repository
Parent module: cm_cvs
class cm_no_cm_addcommand(cm_no_cm_command_base): adds a file to the repository with no configuration management
Parent module: cm_none
class cm_no_cm_command(cm_no_cm_command_base): A no-CM CM command for yaktrack
Parent module: cm_none
class cm_no_cm_command_base(cm_base.cm_command_base): a configuration management stub command object for yaktrack and no CM
Parent module: cm_none
class cm_no_cm_commitcommand(cm_no_cm_command_base): commits a file (or changes to a file) to the repository; no CM
Parent module: cm_none
class cm_no_cm_updatecommand(cm_no_cm_command_base): updates files from the CM repository
Parent module: cm_none
Module cm_none a configuration management tool for cases where no configuration management is available
Field command  
Parent module: composite_command_test
Field command  
Parent module: create_repository_test
Field command  
Parent module: repository_test
Field comments  
Parent module: template
def commit_to_cm(self, path): commits changes to the given file to configuration management
Parent module: cm_none
def commit_to_cm(self, path): adds the given file to configuration management
Parent module: cm_cvs
class composite_command: An interactive or command-line driven command, which can contain subcommands
Parent module: composite_command
Module composite_command composite commands which can contain subcommands; a base for all Yaktrack command objects
Module composite_command_test Tests the composite_command module
class composite_command_test_case(unittest.TestCase): test case for composite_command
Parent module: composite_command_test
Field consumer  
Parent module: dtd_validator
def contains_all_child_element_definitions(self): whether or not this template contains all the child element definitions of the root element and its children
Parent module: template
def contains_child_element_definitions(self, element_content): whether or not this template contains definitions of child elements of the given element content
Parent module: template
def content_form_node(self, issue_node): creates a content fill-in for the given issue node, or None if the node has no possible content
Parent module: html_form_generator
def contents(self): contents of the workspace directory
Parent module: utils
def copy_default_repository(self, source_dir, target_dir): copies a directory tree, overwriting files when necessary
Parent module: create_repository
def countTestCases(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def countTestCases(self):  
Parent module: unittest
def create_all_cm_tools(): creates a list of all available CM tools
Parent module: cm_command
def create_attribute_menu(attribute, node): creates a menu for the given attribute and node
Parent module: edit
def create_blank_issue(self, template_name): creates a blank issue based on the template name
Parent module: repository
def create_blank_issue(self, first_element_name): creates an absolutely blank issue
Parent module: issue
def create_blank_issue(self, issue_template_filename): creates an absolutely blank issue
Parent module: create_blank_issue
Module create_blank_issue includes files for creating a blank issue from a given template. Mostly obsolete-- Yaktrack uses the issue module now.
def create_cat_result_issue_header_node(self, doc, issue_name): creates a node to go before each issue
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
def create_cat_result_node(self, doc, issue_name): creates a node to enter for each issue
Parent module: cgi_cat_output
def create_cm_tool_for_directory(path): goes through each of the tools in create_all_cm_tools and returns the one in use in that path
Parent module: cm_command
def create_dom_tree_from_file(self, filename): creates a DOM tree from a HTML file using the Sax readers
Parent module: html_substitutor
def create_free_query_result_header_node(self, doc, match): creates a header node for the given match
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
def create_free_query_result_nodes(self, doc, match): creates a node to enter for each returned node
Parent module: cgi_free_query_output
def create_from_initialization_string(self, initialization_string): sets default attributes from initialization string
Parent module: query
def create_from_initialization_string(self, initialization_string): sets default attributes from initialization string
Parent module: query
def create_from_initialization_string(self, initializer): creates a query pattern from an initialization string
Parent module: query
def create_from_initialization_string(self, initializer):  
Parent module: query
def create_from_list_of_nodes(self, node_list): creates the pattern from a list of preconstructed nodes
Parent module: query
def create_issue_from_file_name(self, filename): creates an issue from a file named filename
Parent module: issue
def create_issue_from_file_object(self, file_object): creates an issue from a file object
Parent module: issue
def create_issue_from_string(self, contents): creates an issue from a string of XML
Parent module: issue
def create_issue_from_template(self, a_template): creates a blank issue from a template
Parent module: issue
def create_issue_from_template_and_form(self, a_template): creates a blank issue from a template
Parent module: html_form_generator
def create_list_box_from_enumerated_attribute(self, issue_node, dtd_attribute): creates a list box from the given attribute
Parent module: html_form_generator
def create_local_copy_of(self, path): copies the given file into the workspace directory
Parent module: utils
def create_new_element(self, document, element_name): called when a new element is created
Parent module: create_blank_issue
def create_new_element(self, document, element_name, a_template): creates a new element of the given name and fleshes it out with attributes and children
Parent module: issue
def create_new_element(self, document, element_name, a_template): creates a new element of the given name and fleshes it out with attributes and children
Parent module: html_form_generator
def create_ready_parser(self): creates a parser ready for use by the template factory
Parent module: template
def create_ready_parser(self): creates a parser ready to parse and file issues
Parent module: file
Module create_repository the create-repository command
class create_repository_command(composite_command.composite_command): the composite command for creating a repository
Parent module: create_repository
def create_repository_in_current_directory(self): creates a yaktrack-repository directory under the current directory and, if possible, adds it to configuration management
Parent module: create_repository
Module create_repository_test tests the repository creation
class create_repository_test_case(unittest.TestCase): a test case for the create_repository command
Parent module: repository_test
class create_repository_test_case(unittest.TestCase): test case for creating a repository
Parent module: create_repository_test
def create_template_from_file_name(self, filename): creates the template from a file name
Parent module: template
def create_template_from_file_object(self, fileobj): creates the template from a file object
Parent module: template
def create_template_from_string(self, contents): creates the template from a string representing an XML DTD
Parent module: template
def create_text_fillin_from_text_attribute(self, issue_node, dtd_attribute): creates a one-line fillin from the text attribute
Parent module: html_form_generator
def create_yaktrack_main_command(): creates the main yaktrack application command, fleshed out with subcommands
Parent module: yaktrack
def create_yaktrackid_node(self, issue_node, dtd_attribute):  
Parent module: html_form_generator
def createTestInstance(name): Looks up and calls a callable object by its string name, which should include its module name, e.g. widgettests.WidgetTestSuite.
Parent module: unittest
def current_directory_repository_information(self): gets information about the current directory; namely, its full path and a recursive directory listing of the repository
Parent module: create_repository
Field current_nesting_level  
Parent module: html_form_generator

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Generated by Crystal 0.2 (24 February 2000) Copyright ©Laurence Tratt 1999 - 2000 at 03:00PM Sunday 14 May 2000